Bringing awareness and practical support to our diminishing insect population.
Since 2019 I_Butterfly has been working with green burial grounds, universities and individuals throughout the US to help reintroduce native milkweed and native wildflowers for the restoration of monarch butterflies. Over the past 40 years the entire global insect population has dropped by approximately half. Monarch butterflies are now listed as an endangered species while less popular insects fade away without public attention. This is why monarchs are the perfect “gateway bug.” They inspire positive conversations about the importance of insects.
In 2022 I_Butterfly shared in the monarch butterfly adventure by traveling the East Coast migration route from Maine to Florida on bicycles. While en route our team gave I_Butterfly stickers to every person they met along the way and had positive conversations about insects with practically everyone. Restoring our relationship to people goes hand in hand with restoring our relationship to all other life. Direct human contact has always been an effective approach. This is why the I_Butterfly 2024 journey will be done on foot. It won’t be as fast or as enjoyable as riding a bicycle, but it should improve the chances of connecting with a larger number of people, as well as with insects and other small animals.